Private administration process for the
constitution of The Free States of Earth

Proponent, Constituent:

The eternal spirit embodied in the living man, the creation of the Creator of the all encompassing creation, taking dominion through stewardship over the rest of creation, representing all of these three entities:

... at the time identified by ID-document which was made of public record (see last page).

Respondent, Partner office - contact person:

Government of the Republic of Slovenia

Registered correspondence:

Affidavit of Life

Claim of all the property

Moral and conscious tort – Plågan på samvete och moral

Tort due to governments criminal actions

Registration details (date; place; sender; receiver; reg.number; received):

2013-07-01;  Malmö;  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve - Karl Erjavec;  
RR214517719SE;  2013-07-08

Copy of the document: AffidavitLifeMoralTort_3.pdf

Proof of receiving: ProofOfReceipt_3_RR214517719SE_1307080000.pdf

2013-07-01;  Malmö;  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za pravosodje - dr. Senko Pličanič; 
RR214517705SE;  2013-07-08

Copy of the document: AffidavitLifeMoralTort_2.pdf

Proof of receiving: ProofOfReceipt_2_RR214517705SE_1307080000.pdf

Sending details: Sending_20130701_183917.pdf

Sending receipt: SendingReceipt_1307011854.pdf

Issue: Marko INJAC - Reply

Reply from ministry of justice directed to legal person owned by the Republic of Slovenia, claiming irregular application due to use of unofficial English language. Asking to apply in official Slovenian language in order for application to be processed. The request is ignored as there never was an application for anything to the Republic and they were never addressed by the legal person they own, the person I do not represent.

Registration details (date; place; sender; receiver; reg.number; received):

2013-07-16;  Ljubljana;  Ministrstvo za pravosodje, Sektor za pravosodni nadzor; 
Gospod Marko INJAC;  130716in;  2013-07-16

Copy of the document: MinistrstvoPravosodjeOdgovor1.pdf

Odgovor na zapriseženo izjavo o življenju

Courtesy notice of no reply to Affidavit of Life and Moral and conscious tort - Mučenje vesti in morale. Explanation that there is nothing to apply for in Slovenian langage, and that they have an additional opportunitz to reply to initial notices of Affidavit of Life and Moral and conscious tort with register numbers RR214517719SE and RR214517705SE received 2013-07-08 .

Registration details (date; place; sender; receiver; reg.number; received):

2013-07-25;  Malmö (nm);  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve - Karl Erjavec; 
fax23_1307252010;  2013-07-25 20:10

Copy of the document: 130724/AffidavitLifeSIpismo_3_fax.pdf

Proof of receiving: ProofOfReceipt_1_fax21_1307251331.pdf

2013-07-25;  Malmö (nm);  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za pravosodje - dr. Senko Pličanič; 
fax26_1307260913;  2013-07-26 09:13

Copy of the document: AffidavitLifeSIpismo_2_fax.pdf

Proof of receiving: ProofOfReceipt_2_fax26_1307260913.pdf

Reply from the Ministry of Justice

Confirmation that ministry has received my reply as of July the 26th. They explain that they see no action that they should take according to their legislation. and I agree with them, there is nothing requested of them to process in their legal system. They have just been put on notice that there is an international person that they are expected to respect in the future, as did not formally and explicitly deny the claimed rights of a living man not being part of their legal system, as they were given an opportunity to do, twice, before the first given and then extended period to 2013-08-09.

Registration details (date; place; sender; receiver; reg.number; received):

2013-08-20;  Ljubljana;  Ministrstvo za pravosodje, Sektor za pravosodni nadzor; 
Marko Injac;  130820in;  2013-08-20

Copy of the document: 130820in/MinistrstvoPravosodjeOdgovor2.pdf

Notice of default by no reply to Moral and conscious tort

Variation by Agreement of Citizenship Status, and Initial Announcement of the International Compact

Copy of Moral and conscious tort - Plågan på samvete och moral

EXECUTIVE ORDER of marko of injac #13001

Document formally dissolving citizenship status in its existing form, constitution of a new international compact, copy of preceding documents, executive order for closing commerce for legal persons not having surety from me and my children under my stewardship who are mine, my and not your property.

Registration details (date; place; sender; receiver; reg.number; received):

2013-08-22;  Novo mesto;  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve - Karl Erjavec; 
RA 09488 801 8SI;  2013-08-23

Copy of the document: ForeignMinistrySI-20130822.pdf

2013-08-22;  Novo mesto;  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za pravosodje - dr. Senko Pličanič; 
RA 09487 801 5SI;  2013-08-23

Copy of the document: MinistryofJusticeSI-20130822.pdf

2013-08-22;  Novo mesto;  marko of injac;  Ministrstvo za finance - dr. Uroš Čufer; 
RA 09491 801 5SI;  2013-08-23

Copy of the document: MinistryofFinanceSI-20130822.pdf

Sending receipt: SendingReceiptC_1308220849.pdf

Proof of receiving: RE__Potrdilo_o_prejemu_4_leta_starih_posiljk_v_tujino.pdf

(“Uspešna vročitev pošiljke” meansSuccessful service of the consignment”)

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